It became popular in schools over the last half-century to claim, “we don’t teach students what to think, but how to think.” Unfortunately, how you think must be preceded by certain “what’s”, so if you don’t declare the “what’s” you’re working from, the result will be that you de facto teach the secular philosophical foundations that estrange the mind from reality (and God). Our modern society condensed all “what’s” into the observational “what’s” of History & Science, and gave over the entire domain of education to materialism and philosophical incoherence. Foundational “what’s” are different than observational “what’s”. We recognize that, and our curriculum is tailored to that, accordingly.
At Crown of Thorns Academy, the philosophy (+Theology) that undergirds the thinking skills a student will acquire will be thoroughly Catholic-Thomistic-Aristotelian. This will provide the foundations for our boys to learn how to think in its most ideal form—allowing for the integration of the skills of grammar, logic, and rhetoric with ease. From there, their study of History & Science will find its rightful foundation & purpose.
Four Pillars
Crown of Thorns Academy is a Classical school implementing the best methods in educating boys: namely, competition and physical activity; combined with a practice of observing Daily Mass.
Classical education is about utilizing a philosophically integrated approach to learning the different subjects in school.
To be Classical means a lot of things, but one in particular is that you teach English-grammar utilizing the “Trivium”, or the three liberal arts of “Grammar”, “Logic”, and “Rhetoric”. The most important (and differentiating) component of this is the study of Logic.
What does it mean to think? How does thinking work? How does thinking relate to communication (i.e. reading, writing, and speaking)?
The mind does three things: it names things, it states things, and it concludes things. The study of Logic has three sub-branches: the study of definitions (Naming things); the study of propositions (Stating things); the study of syllogisms (Concluding things). Logic is the foundation of both grammar and math in a Classical school, and Crown of Thorns is utilizing this framework because it is the best, and most intuitive, way to teach students grammar AND math.
Studies have found that boys respond great to competition—and that they report loving it. Coming from all-boys schools, we (the founders, A.J. Barker & Colin Faust) witnessed the positive effect competition has in an all-boys classroom. Whether it is competition over activities, quizzes, or tests, boys get locked in and attention and enthusiasm improves.
In addition to in-classroom competition, we will be utilizing a school-wide competition method that is prominent on the East Coast at all-boys schools. On Friday, once a month, we’ll have all-school competitions where the different “Houses” (different Houses made up of students from different grades) compete against each other in an array of competitive forms. One month it may be a chess tournament; another it may be a quiz bowl; another it may be a spelling competition; another may be a physical competition, like tug-of-war or an obstacle course. We want our boys to learn to challenge themselves and embrace challenge under many different forms.
Lower School (Grades 1-4) will have one set of competitions, focusing more on collaboration and problem solving—competitions designed to encourage participation and enjoyment for boys in the 6-10 year old age range. Middle School (Grades 5-8) will have another set of competitions, focusing more on the competitive aspect of whatever contest is being had, encouraging the attention and challenge that is deeply satisfying for boys in the 10-14 year old range.
But why isn’t competition in other, co-ed, schools? The answer is in the studies as well: girls are generally demotivated by competition. They voice valuing friendship over competition in self-responses; their interest and performance decreases when something is made a competition with their peers.
At Crown of Thorns Academy we’re focused on doing the things that will facilitate boys learning and motivation—and we’re going with what’s been scientifically proven to do that.
Boys need physical activity—not just for the sake of their bodies; for the sake of their minds too. Boys learn better when they get sufficient physical activity. Their moods are better. Their attention is stronger. Boys are more medicated than girls for attention disorders—but when they have sufficient physical activity, they not only have less difficulty paying attention, they get better at paying attention.
At Crown of Thorns Academy every boy will have Phy. Ed. for one-hour, 3-out-of-every-4 days, along with recess every day, and a homeroom that will facilitate further physical activity. We want to mix and match the different genres of physical activity: free play (recess); structured play (homeroom); and physical exertion (Phy. Ed.). Doing so allows boys to thrive to their greatest potential, inside the classroom, outside the classroom, and in their homes with all of you.
Daily Mass is one of the most beautiful opportunities we have at Crown of Thorns Academy. Daily Mass is typically between 20-30 minutes long (that is, it’s much quicker than a Sunday Mass). Coming before the Lord in the mass is “right and just”—that is, it is the greatest thing we can do, and it is a proper act of justice. It rightly orients us toward God, objectively—regardless of what our subjective experience of it is at one time or another. Our boys will not just learn what it means to be rightly ordered toward God, they will actually be rightly ordered toward God through the daily experience of Mass.
Additionally, having experienced the effect of daily mass on grade students, Founder A.J. Barker notes that, “Daily Mass helps kids strengthen their ability to focus and gives rest to their souls. Not a few students, far from what parents expected, reported daily mass as their favorite part of the day. They don’t always consciously know why, but students as young as Kindergartners benefitted infinitely from daily participation in Mass.” At Crown of Thorns Academy, we’re placing the greatest emphasis on the thing that is most important in any person’s life, not to mention student’s life: a living relationship with Christ in the Mass.
Adding Daily Mass into the mix, students experience another form of rest: spiritual rest. Combined with the arts, phy. ed., and ample recess time, our boys will experience what having a soul in profound balance feels like.
Many elementary schools have already shifted over to school days that are 5.5-6 hours long because of the added benefits they have for students of all ages. At Crown of Thorns Academy, we are setting up our school to consist in 5-hour school days. Having 5-hours in a school day optimizes classroom learning time to be more focused and productive, and combined with the emphasis on physical activity in the Crown of Thorns curriculum, our boys will be put in the ideal position to thrive spiritually, psychologically, emotionally, and intellectually. The 5-Hour school day improves attention, energy, general enthusiasm for school, and gives greater balance to school-family life. The family is the fundamental cell of society (CCC 2207). The parents are the primary educators of their children. We, as a school, assist the parents in the education of their children. We’re serious about our duties and our role, and for that reason it comes out not just in what we say our priorities are, but in how we structure the day itself.
Fridays are set aside for competition amongst the school. In the morning blocks students will have tests or project-tests (projects that must be completed within the “test” period assigned (to limit homework and improve focus)). They will be constantly exposed to having to demonstrate what they know and can do. By having a high-demonstration school load, students learn how to harness the excitement/anxiety over testing and improve both their composure and their attention-to-detail under pressure—which improves their ability to perform, both in the classroom and in life.
The Arts are implemented within the schedule in “partial blocks” (30-mins), different for different grades. As students get older, their classroom blocks get more specified, allowing for greater precision in their learning. The “rolling” blocks allow them to get the same subjects at different times in the day on different days, optimizing their performance in all of their classes.
Virtue Formation
Lower School: Dominican Sisters Education in Virtue
Middle School: Thomistic Capital Vices
One of the central aims of Catholic (and any integral) education is the formation of virtue.
By complementing the Dominican Sisters great program “Education in Virtue” that we will use in the Lower School (a version of Social-Emotional Learning that includes the necessary spiritual aspect for proper social-emotional formation) with a Middle School program that introduces students to the Capital Vices and how they operate in us, boys coming through Crown of Thorns Academy will be uniquely positioned to build mastery in virtue.
At Crown of Thorns Academy we have articulated our conception of virtue and vice according to the wisdom of St. Thomas Aquinas. Founder A.J. Barker assembled the Middle School virtues curriculum (based on the chart above) to help students understand the relationship between vice and virtue. Vices are irrational—they spring from desires moving us to act (virtues are the opposite!). That means that if you do not know anything about virtue, then vice is the default mode of operation you will possess. By systematically learning about the vices, boys are more fittingly disposed to fulfill the mission of the school in relation to virtue—to “stave off vice and harness virtue.”
The result of our virtues program will be a child with the educational formation in virtue & vice necessary to complement the practical application of a life of virtue.